Google Business Redressal Complaint Form

Google Launched “Business Redressal Complaint Form” to Report Spam on Google My Business

Posted On : March 1st, 2019   By : Diptimayee Mohanty   To : Google My Business

Nowadays, it is general practice to look for a place or business on Google Maps in order to access information like name, phone number or URL about the particular entity. However, at times we find people spamming Google maps with different techniques to make their business rank higher on search results.

Sometimes, you may come across certain business names with search terms in it which is not their actual business name. They even do the same thing with their domain URL. This creates a negative user experience when people find such businesses in top results. Businesses with such practice actually never care about their customers’ interest.

To deal with this kind of misinformation, you can use the Business Redressal Complaint Form of Google which looks into the compliance of various guidelines by businesses on Google maps.

However, completion and submission of the form does not guarantee action against your request. Moreover, if the complaint is not related to the illicit activity on the information provided like name, phone number or URL of the business, then Google won’t be able to look after your request.

You shouldn’t use this form if you simply need to correct incorrect information about a business. Notwithstanding, if you have a huge number of URLs to report, then you can submit 10-100 at a single instance for faster processing time. You can do this by clicking on the “add additional” link or by uploading a spreadsheet with all the URLs.

Diptimayee Mohanty

She is the founder & director of SUVAANCE Internet Marketing Services Pvt. Ltd. From mere interest to full time career, she delved into the world of digital marketing in later part of last decade and has been contributing excellent articles on Google algorithm changes, patents, SEO strategies, tools & software for marketing and analysis.

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