Does Google Use Guest Blog Post Links?
Posted On : August 14th, 2020 By : Diptimayee Mohanty To : SEONormally, webmasters do guest blog posting to share their expertise on other websites so that they can establish themselves as an authority figure in their respective industry. Also, this process helps webmasters to build relationships with other experts in the industry with better brand exposure.
But, many webmasters think that the backlinks that they get from the guest sites will help them to boost their SEO score. But, do guest blog post links really have any link value from Google’s perspective? Does Google count these links?
Recently on Twitter, a Twitterati has asked Google’s John Mueller about this. In its reply, John said that guest post links have zero value. It’s a waste of time if you’re just doing it for the links. Google doesn’t use those links at all. He also asked the Twitter user that do you get stats on who read your guest posts.
Here is the twitter discussion.
Do you get stats on who reads your guest posts? Since Google doesn't use those for links at all, I imagine you're just doing them for visibility?
— 🍌 John 🍌 (@JohnMu) August 9, 2020
Those links have zero value. It's a waste of time if you're just doing it for the links.
— 🍌 John 🍌 (@JohnMu) August 9, 2020
Now, that’s a big surprise to the SEO industry. Links from guest posts have been considered of highest quality.
So, does that mean you’re going to stop guest posting? No, never. This is where many fail to see the true potential. Guest posts should never be considered as only a source of links. It offers you a gateway to reach your audience, help them, share your thoughts.
So, keep writing high quality guest posts 🙂
She is the founder & director of SUVAANCE Internet Marketing Services Pvt. Ltd. From mere interest to full time career, she delved into the world of digital marketing in later part of last decade and has been contributing excellent articles on Google algorithm changes, patents, SEO strategies, tools & software for marketing and analysis.