Top 5 Common On-site SEO Mistakes to Fix ASAP
Posted On : April 1st, 2019 By : Diptimayee Mohanty To : SEO TipsMany a times webmasters and SEOs keep thinking what has gone wrong with their sites? Their ranking is not developing even after spending a hefty amount in marketing. Nothing wrong with the strategy but still performance is not developing over the time.
Most of the time, the reason lies in their own sites. They have ignored the on-site things from the start.
Here are the top 5 common on-site SEO mistakes that webmasters need to check & fix that might be killing their ranking & hence traffic.
1. Poor Content quality
2. Improper internal linking
3. Titles & Meta Descriptions
4. Mobile Friendliness & Page Speed
5. Use of Structured Data
Check out this video to get broad information on these topics.
She is the founder & director of SUVAANCE Internet Marketing Services Pvt. Ltd. From mere interest to full time career, she delved into the world of digital marketing in later part of last decade and has been contributing excellent articles on Google algorithm changes, patents, SEO strategies, tools & software for marketing and analysis.