Plus Codes, Smart Address Search in Map & Six Indian Languages Newly Added in Voice Navigation By Google
Posted On : March 14th, 2018 By : Dillip K Mohanty To : Local SEO, SEO NewsGoogle has been facing immense challenges to address the issues in Google Map search in India due to complexities & uniqueness in the address system of Indian location & this becomes manifold due to several languages in force & in combination throughout India.
But Google never steps back to address real issues of people. The team has come up with three new declarations recently that successfully lessen the above issues to great extent.
Let’s have a look into it.
Plus Codes
Plus code is a simple addressing system developed by Google. It is like an address for anyone or anyplace that don’t have any address earlier.
It has been developed as an open sources solution by Google that works by splitting the geographical areas of the earth into tiny tiled areas. It provides a unique code to each of the tiled areas and this code consists of “6-character + City” format. So, if you have a smart phone and Google Maps installed in it, then you can simply generate and share this code. Plus code is easy to access, even in offline, free and can be copied and printed as grid on anything like paper etc.
Add an address
In Google Maps, users can add new or missing address by using this “Add an Address” feature and after verification of the address by Google, the newly added address will be searchable.
*NOTE – Users can get Local Guides Points for each valid submission.
Google admitted that, it’s been hard to understand Indian addresses because of its uniqueness and complexities.
So to tackle this issue, Google has introduced Smart Address Search. If we don’t have exact address, then generally we try to use nearby landmarks or known places to find the address. And now Google has done the same with this Smart Address Search. When a particular address is not recognizable by Google, It will try to understand the information available in the address by splitting it into pieces and suggest landmark options and points of interest to users so that they can choose the best one.
Six Additional Languages
Google has announced that it now brings voice navigation in six additional Indian languages which are Bengali, Gujarati, Kannada, Telugu, Tamil, and Malayalam. Around 3 Years ago, Google added Hindi for navigation.
So, it seems that all the above features are going to help a lot to Indian users & may be the end of endless searches, changes & editing that we have been doing till now in Google Map.
He is the co-founder & director of SUVAANCE Internet Marketing Services Pvt. Ltd. He is passionate about search marketing & Google algorithm and is actively writing on these here.