How Google Consider Sites with Separate Mobile URLs
Posted On : March 12th, 2019 By : Diptimayee Mohanty To : Technical SEOIt’s been years, we have the concept of responsive web design but still, we are seeing some sites having m dot URLs (m.) as their mobile site solution. There is no issue with this but it forces webmasters to do more hard work.
Regarding this, Google’s John Mueller recently said on Reddit that all the sites having separate mobile URLs for their mobile site solution should consider implementing responsive design. Also, he added that separate mobile URLs makes everything much harder than it needs to be.
But this doesn’t mean Google considers mobile URLs negatively. But, going with responsive design makes everything easier to maintain.
She is the founder & director of SUVAANCE Internet Marketing Services Pvt. Ltd. From mere interest to full time career, she delved into the world of digital marketing in later part of last decade and has been contributing excellent articles on Google algorithm changes, patents, SEO strategies, tools & software for marketing and analysis.