Does Your Website’s URL Ending Matter for Google
Posted On : March 30th, 2018 By : Dillip K Mohanty To : Technical SEOWhile building a website, webmasters often think about which platform to use for their websites. Many a times webpages’ URL ending or page extension plays some parts in this decision. They fear that search engines like Google might be giving preference to some extensions over others.
Out of this fear, sometime webmasters choose the wrong platforms for their need and hence can’t generate best UX for users.
But, John Mueller has recently clarified this doubt while answering to questions in a recent episode of SEO Snippets.
John clearly said; website’s URL ending does not matter for Google.
As per John, URLs are used by Google to identify pieces of content. URL ending doesn’t matter for Google and all URLs can show up properly in SERP.
Also John advised webmasters to perform redirection while changing their website platform and to pick lasting URLs.
So, rather than worrying about URL ending, choose the best platform that help you to create best UX.
He is the co-founder & director of SUVAANCE Internet Marketing Services Pvt. Ltd. He is passionate about search marketing & Google algorithm and is actively writing on these here.