A Second Thought About Google Multi-Week Algorithm Update Impact On PMD & EMD

Posted On : August 3rd, 2013   By : Dillip K Mohanty   To : Google Algorithm Update

Google’s multi-week algorithm update rolled out in the last part of June’13 & first part of July’13 has been a matter of intense discussion in SEO community. Though specifics of the update have not been declared by Google but Dr. Pete has a beautiful post on the impact on PMD (partial-match domain) & EMD (exact-match domain) during the period. To get into more, I have analyzed (though partially) two specific sites in the PMD list given in the post that moved down in ranking for respective keywords mentioned and commented there.

“Thanks for the much awaited analysis. I think the PMD update is not just regarding authority or spam link structure. For this, I checked the two sites ‘www.newjerseyluxuryrealestate.com’ & ‘virginiamommymakeover.com’ for the keywords you mentioned in your list, I found that they rank first for EMD (luxury real estate new jersey & mommy makeover virginia respectively). So, EMD can’t be a penalty kind as against common perception. I think Google checks for stronger signal regarding how closely you satisfy the keyword used in the domain or may be they follow the history of users’ click play around the keyword. Keywords like ‘luxury real estate’ & ‘mommy makeover’ are more general in sense to direct the users for such keywords to location specific domains. Need more analysis on this but advice from you in this regard will be of great help in right direction.”

As I mentioned in the comment, the impact due to this update on EMDs & PMDs can’t be considered as a penalty. It is more likely Google devaluing the influence of signals regarding the presence of keywords in Domain on ranking algorithm. Google is trying to cotton on the users’ intent behind a query in a better way. Hence it is likely to be a collateral damage as Dr. Pete mentioned. Please share your thoughts if you have any new idea behind the update.

Dillip Kumar Mohanty

He is the co-founder & director of SUVAANCE Internet Marketing Services Pvt. Ltd. He is passionate about search marketing & Google algorithm and is actively writing on these here.

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