Category : Technical SEO

Google’s Advice On Image Search Ranking

Recently, Google’s John Mueller was asked by Sachin Khanna to share some useful tips on how to rank images on Google. You can check the video “Image Search Ranking” here in Google Webmasters YouTube channel. In this video, John Mueller advis
Google on Rendered Content Snapshot Time

Is There Any Fixed Wait Time By Google To Snapshot Rendered Content

In 2016, Screaming Frog twitted that according to their tests, the approximate wait time by Googlebot is 5 secs to take snapshots of rendered content. Our tests indicate Googlebot is willing to wait (approx) 5 secs for their snapshot of rendered c
Google Favors Dynamic Content Tweaking

Google Favors Dynamic Content Tweaking for Personalization

Recently on Twitter, an interesting question was asked, whether it is better to dynamically alter content on the homepage or redirect to an alternate homepage with personalized content in that for SEO friendly personalization? To answer this, John f
301 Redirection

Does 301 Redirection Count as Backlink?

Recently on Twitter, John Mueller of Google was asked about whether a 301 page from one domain count as a backlink to the target page of another domain? And to provide clarity on this, John said, Google wouldn’t count that as a link and links to t
Robotted Out Pages In SERP

What To Do If Robotted Out Pages Rank In SERP?

Webmasters use robots.txt file to inform web robots about which pages not to crawl. But, if the robotted out pages of a website rank instead of pages having content in it, then what webmasters should do? Recently on Twitter, Google’s John Mueller
Old Google Search Console Properties Removal

Is It Ok To Remove Old Search Console Properties?

Recently on Twitter a query was raised regarding the removal of old search console properties by users once they have created their new domain property in the spirit of good housekeeping. Regarding this question John Mueller of Google replied that i
Low Quality Content to High Quality Content Redirection

Impacts of Redirecting a Low Quality Content to High Quality Content

Many times, we see webmasters having confusion regarding whether it’s preferred or not to redirect an old page having less content to a high quality page. So, in a recent Google Webmaster Central office-hours hangout, Google’s John Mueller was a
Responsive Design & Mobile URLs

Google Suggests Not to Use Both Responsive Design & Mobile URLs

Recently, Google’s John Mueller on Twitter was asked about which one Google will consider first if a website has both mobile URLs and responsive design. Why would you have alternate mobile pages and a responsive design? — 🍌 John 🍌 (@JohnMu
Google Crawl Rate After Missing Sitemap

Google Won’t Change Crawl Rate If Your Sitemap Goes Missing

A few days back Martin MacDonald asked a question to Google’s John Mueller on Twitter regarding a hypothetical scenario where a popular site having a sitemap with thousands of new pages that is visited by Google every day & suppose the sitemap
Unclean Website Headers Impact

Google Doesn’t Have Exceptions for Sites with Unclean Headers

Recently on Twitter, Kristine Schachinger questioned whether iframe code added in the head part of the website after the execution of Akamai tracking’s loader snippet is breaking Google Crawler. Also, Barry Adams backed this question and said, the
Google Local Search Results Checker
Google Volatility Report

