Category : Local SEO

Location Score for Hotels

Google Introduced Location Score for Hotels

Recently, Google has added a location tab for hotel search in its local knowledge panel. Google has added this tab to provide the location score of a hotel to users who search hotels in that location. This location score ranges from 1 to 5, with 5 be
GMB Updated Directions Heatmap

Google My Business Updated Directions Heatmap

Yesterday, Google My Business community manager Allyson has notified that some changes have been done to the directions heatmap and these changes are rolling out this week. Business owners will be happy to know that with this change, they can now tr
Business Description in Knowledge Panel

Google to Show Business Description in Knowledge Panel

Hello Business Owners, Here is a good news for you! It seems like now Google is again letting business owners to add or edit their business description inside Google My Business. And most importantly, this business description will be available unde
Latest Google Map Features

Plus Codes, Smart Address Search in Map & Six Indian Languages Newly Added in Voice Navigation By Google

Google has been facing immense challenges to address the issues in Google Map search in India due to complexities & uniqueness in the address system of Indian location & this becomes manifold due to several languages in force & in combina
Gender Attribute by Google

Google Introduced Gender Attribute In Google My Business

On the occasion of International Women’s Day this year, Google has announced the introduction of Gender attribute in Google My Business. Any business owned, led or founded by women can enable the Women-led attribute from their Google My Business da
Google Local Search Results Checker
Google Volatility Report

