Category : Google Penalty

Distribution of DF & NF Links

Does Good Distribution Of DF & NF Links Keep You Away From Google Link Penalty?

If your website has unnatural, irrelevant, spammy or low quality links, then you are on the verge of receiving Google Link Penalty. Webmasters must have some idea on such penalties. But, have you ever thought about the distribution of Do Follow and N
Copyright Content Modification

Why You Should Not Revise a Page That Has Been Removed upon DMCA Takedown Notice

Few days ago, we published one article on what happens to the ranking of a page removed upon DMCA request and now we got some more information to add on that topic. In that article we have covered two questions. Is there any immediate impact of ra
Page Removed Upon DMCA Request

This Is What Happens to Ranking When a Page Is Removed Upon DMCA Request

The Digital Millennium Copyright Act aka DMCA is there to protect the rights of the online content owned by its owner or the copyright holder. So, when the owner or copyright holder of the content finds unofficial copies of their content on other web
Google Local Search Results Checker
Google Volatility Report

