Category : Google Algorithm

Gary on Panda, Penguin & Medic Update

Gary Illyes on Panda, Penguin, and Medic Update at Search Masters Brazil Event

Recently, Google’s Gary Illyes at Search Masters Brazil Event has clarified few facts about Google Panda, Penguin and recent Medic update. Gary at Search Masters Brazil event while answering to Pedro Dias about Google Panda and Penguin algorithm s

Breaking all previous records in Google update

As per the Mozcast weather report, yesterday it was recorded as 120oF is the largest figure ever recorded, after 25th June when it was 113oF. Even news from different sectors has confirmed the change. More confirmation is needed to prove the magnitud

Matt Cutts Hinted Using Stock Photos Would Be A Ranking Factor In Future

Matt Cutts from Google has answered a question about the effect of using stock photos in ranking yesterday. It is very clear from the video that Google doesn’t use this as a ranking factor now. But he mentioned that it will be in future and said im
Google Local Search Results Checker
Google Volatility Report

